Our Philosophy

Most if not all of our behaviours, to a higher or lesser degree, are affected by such influences as observations; fears; experiences; information; heat; cold; medication; recognition; education; disorders of various natures; desires; pain; illness; rewards; stress; praise; failure etc. to mention a few. There are countless influences that affect our behaviours. Even when some influences may be similar in nature, they do not affect each person in the same manner. Understanding such helps us significantly in recognizing that children easily act out the burden of their past such as abuse or neglect. If we can recognize this we are more able not to take it personal when a child "acts out" that burden of his or her past.

"Our will can only be free if it is free of the effect of any influences that causes the choices it makes and we execute".

Thus "creating new influences that have a positive effect may cause positive choices" or "becoming aware of the negative effect certain influences have on the choices we make, while being unable to consistently change those choices", may inspire us to allow better influences affect us, thus contributing to better choices of which we and others may experience the benefits. When those better influences, from internal or external sources, remain consistent their effect may produce lasting improvement in behaviour as it is manifested in the choices we make.

Therefore "today started yesterday and the best chance we have to change tomorrow starts today".

Recognizing the above we believe that we must make every effort to treat the underlying factors of undesired behaviours or experiences of the child. Although we cannot ignore a child's behaviour we also recognize that simply dealing with behaviour only has little long term effect. We will make every possible effort in our treatment to create influences which will positively affect the child's behaviour, skills and experiences.

Food for thought:
Could every choice, for example, have its own kind of DNA and only an alteration in the DNA can produce a different choice which we than execute?" "Are we aware of the internal process preceding every choice we make?" "Can choices be made that stand alone, without being affected in any way by any influence of any kind whether or not we are aware of them?" What do we really say when we mention: "If I would have known that I would not have done it"?